
Occasional Cleaning Services

One-Time Cleaning - Invest in a one-time cleaning service to make your home sparkly clean! Let Brileys Cleaning tackle the dirty work for you so you can use your time to relax and recharge. Give us a call/text @ 817-550-3821

Before and/or After Party - We will provide you a sparkly clean and party ready home before your guests arrive. We offer 100% satisfaction guarantee so if you're not fully satisfied, let us know within 24-hours and we'll return to make it right.

Holiday cleanHoliday season should be a fun and joyful celebration. But getting your home clean and ready for your family and friends can add stress to the process. Let us take that burden off your shoulders so you'll have plenty of time to plan your party and enjoy the festivities with your loved ones stress free. Also check out our "Gift Certificates" you can give your family members, friends and colleague this holiday season.

*Minimum $200 per job.
**Nothing will be discarded without your consent.